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Dorothy V. Bishop

Professorin / University of Oxford

Dorothy Bishop is based at the University of Oxford, where she heads an ERC-funded programme of research into cerebral lateralisation for language. She is an honorary fellow of St John’s College Oxford, a Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the British Academy and Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Her main research interests are in the nature and causes of developmental language difficulties, with a particular focus on psycholinguistics, neurobiology and genetics. Her book Uncommon Understanding won the British Psychological Society’s annual award in 1999, and she has published widely on children’s language disorders. She also chairs the advisory board of the recently-formed UK Reproducibility Network. She has a popular blog, Bishopblog, which features posts on a wide range of topics, including those relevant to reproducibility. She is also on Twitter as @deevybee.

Developmental Language Disorders: Problems and perspectives in diagnosis and terminology
Freitag, 20.11.2020 @ 13:00 – 13:45 Uhr

ISES 11_Keynote Rohlfing

Katharina J. Rohlfing

Professorin / Universität Paderborn

Katharina J. Rohlfing studierte Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft, Philosophie und Medienwissenschaft. Sie promovierte 2002 an der Universität Bielefeld im Graduiertenkolleg „Aufgabenorientierte Kommunikation“. Für ihr interdiszplinäres Projekt „Symbiose von Sprache und Handlung“ erhielt sie 2006 das Dilthey-Fellowship der VolkswagenStiftung. Sie beschäftigt sie sich mit der Schnittstelle von frühem Spracherwerb und kognitiver Entwicklung und untersucht multimodale Kommunikation in Abhängigkeit von pragmatischen Rahmen. Seit 2015 ist sie Professorin für Psycholinguistik an der Universität Paderborn.

Ein pragmatischer Rahmen für den frühen Spracherwerb: Wie können soziale Roboter daran mitwirken?
Freitag, 20.11.2020 @ 09:15 – 10:00 Uhr

Pascale Engel de Abreu

Associate Professor / Université du Luxembourg

Pascale Engel de Abreu is a psychologist and associate professor at the Institute for Research on Multilingualism of the University of Luxembourg. She holds a PhD from the University of York (UK) and has postdoctoral research experience from the University of Oxford, the University of Princeton, and York University (Canada). She has worked with children from different backgrounds in Luxembourg, France, the UK, Africa, Bolivia, and Brazil. In her research, she studies important cognitive processes that children need to learn to speak, read and write such as working memory, executive functions and phonological awareness. She is particularly interested in exploring these processes in multilingual speakers. Her research has theoretical but also practical implications. A major aim is to develop theoretically-driven assessment instruments and intervention programs that will help to alleviate children’s learning difficulties and might prevent a downward spiral towards poor educational progress and its associated social problems.

Evidenzbasierte Sprachförderung in der Vorschule
Samstag, 21.11.2020 @ 09:00 – 09:45 Uhr